Jon leads the FTD talk team. He is a Professor of Neurology at the Dementia Research Centre in the Queen Square UCL Institute of Neurology as well as a Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. After a Natural Sciences degree at the University of Cambridge he went on to do Medicine at the University of Oxford and UCL. He started as a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow in 2005 at UCL where he first began to study FTD, working on the neuroimaging of genetic FTD, and completing his PhD in 2010. He then became an NIHR Clinical Lecturer during which time he started the Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI, an international multicentre cohort study of presymptomatic genetic FTD. This was followed by an NIHR Rare Diseases Translational Research Collaboration Clinical Research Fellowship in 2014, an MRC Clinician Scientist fellowship in 2015 and then a Brain Research UK Miriam Marks Fellowship in 2020. The research of his team focuses on the development of novel biomarkers in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) including digital, imaging and fluid biomarkers. They also focus on novel trial design and running trials of new therapies. He co-leads the UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre Dementia Biomarkers Theme and sits on the UCL Neurogenetics Therapies Programme Clinical Steering Committee. Nationally, he also runs FTD UK, an annual scientific meeting of UK researchers who work in the FTD field, and the FTD and fFTD support groups through Rare Dementia Support. Internationally, as well as running GENFI, he co-leads the FTD Prevention Initiative (FPI) and is chair for the Alzheimer’s Association Professional Interest Area in FTD.
- None at present
- New Scientist Live (London, May 2024): Dementia – The era of new diagnostics and treatments – is this the start of the end?
- FTDUK 2024 (Cambridge, May 2024): Update on GENFI
- Tau 2024 (Washington, March 2024): Update on the FTD PIA
- Royal Free Neurology Grand Round (London, January 2024): An update on the FTD spectrum disorders
- International Symposium on ALS/MND 2023 (Basel, December 2023): Clinical/cognitive phenotypes in ALS and FTD: You say tomatoes…
- International Conference of the Korean Dementia Association 2023 (Busan, November 2023): Creating a worldwide platform trial for genetic frontotemporal dementia – the FTD Prevention Initiative
- Neuro2023: The PSP and CBD International Research Symposium (London, October 2023): Disease progression modelling in PSP and CBS
- The Bluefield Project Annual Investigators Meeting 2022 (San Francisco [virtual], October 2023): Developing an evidence base for digital biomarkers and remote monitoring in FTD – an update
- Centre for Advanced Studies Group meeting (Munich, October 2023): Language testing across languages and cultures
- FATHOM study patient meeting (Oxford, September 2023): The GENFI experience and insights
- University of Toronto Professorial Grand Rounds (Toronto [virtual], September 2023]: Edging closer to therapies for frontotemporal dementia
- Guys and St Thomas Neurology Grand Round (London [virtual], April 2023): An update on the FTD spectrum disorders
- C9orf72 FTD-ALS summit (Phoenix, March 2023): C9orf72 biomarkers
- UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology Professorial Inaugural Lecture (London, January 2023): About the self: a journey through frontotemporal dementia
- Danish Dementia Research Centre Annual Meeting (Copenhagen, November 2022): Update on GENFI and FPI
- ICFTD 2022 (Lille, October 2022): Update on GENFI
- ICFTD 2022 satellite symposium (Paris, October 2022): How to define the preclinical and the prodromal stages, and when does the disease begin?
- The Bluefield Project Annual Investigators Meeting 2022 (San Francisco, September 2022): Developing an evidence base for digital biomarkers and remote monitoring in FTD
- SENA 2022 (London, September 2022): Edging closer to therapies for frontotemporal dementia
- Translation of Tauopathy Therapeutics from Preclinical to Exploratory Clinical Trials Workshop (Washington [virtual], September 2022): Tauopathy cohorts
- AAIC 2022 (San Diego [virtual], July 2022): An introduction to GENFI and the developmental of novel behavioural and cognitive measures for genetic FTD
- ENCALS 2022 (Edinburgh, June 2022): GENFI and the pathway to clinical trials in genetic frontotemporal dementia
- AFTD Holloway Summit (Miami, May 2022): Digital tools in the GENFI study
- ARUK Conference 2022 (Brighton, March 2022): Genetic frontotemporal dementia in the UK: from tau to trials
- Tau 2022 (Washington [virtual], February 2022): Understanding the presymptomatic period in MAPT mutation carriers
- The Lancet Summit – Presymptomatic Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases ([virtual], December 2021): FTD – the current biomarker landscape
- FTSG 2021 (Washington [virtual], December 2021): An update on the FPI
- SingHealth Duke-NUS Memory and Cognitive Disorders Disease Centre Symposium (Singapore [virtual], October 2021): FTD – insights into a complex disorder
- 15th CONy – Alzheimer’s Association and CONy Joint Meeting on FTD ([virtual], September 2021): Is FTD one entity or more?
- Swedish FTD Initiative (Stockholm [virtual], April 2021): Clinical trial design in genetic FTD – lessons from GENFI and the FPI
- Northwestern University Mesulam Center Seminar Series (Chicago [virtual], March 2021): The Genetic FTD Initiative and the pathway to clinical trials in genetic frontotemporal dementia
- 1st International Society for Frontotemporal Dementia Congress ([virtual], March 2021): GENFI
- Wellcome Genome Campus Molecular Neurodegeneration Course (Cambridge [virtual], January 2021): Clinical aspects of neurodegenerative disease
- XV Congress of SINdem (Florence [virtual], November 2020): Monogenic FTD: the GENFI cohort
- Novel Gene Therapies in Neurology Conference (Leuven [virtual], September 2020): Clinical trial design in genetic FTD – opportunities and challenges
- 2nd International C9orf72 workshop (London, January 2020): Clinical and imaging aspects of C9orf72 expansions
- ABN Cognitive Special Interest Group Meeting 2020 (London, January 2020): Psychiatric complications of FTD
- Wellcome Genome Campus Molecular Neurodegeneration Course (Cambridge, December 2019): Clinical aspects of neurodegenerative disease
- West of England Seminars in Advanced Neurology (Exeter, November 2019): FTD – diagnostic and therapeutic prospects
- ALLFTD 2019 (San Diego, November 2019): An update on GENFI
- NISALS 2019 (Oxford, October 2019): 10 years of FTD imaging and the decade ahead
- 1st UCL Queen Square Annual Motor Neuron Disease Symposium (London, September 2019): FTD and its overlap with ALS
- Oxford MRI course 2019 (Oxford, July 2019): GENFI
- Wolfson symposium (London, June 2019): GENFI
- Bristol Neurology Grand Round (Bristol, June 2019): FTD – insights into a complex disorder
- Birmingham Neurology Grand Round (Birmingham, April 2019): An update on FTD
- Biomarkers Across Neurodegenerative Diseases (London, April 2019): Biomarkers in FTD
- ADRD Summit 2019 (Bethesda, March 2019): Biomarkers in FTD
- Swedish FTD Initiative (Stockholm, March 2019): GENFI – the story so far
- AFTD Biomarkers Initiative 2019 (Miami, February 2019): Discovering novel fluid biomarkers for tau and TDP-43
- Erasmus FTD Seminar (Rotterdam, November 2018): Neuroimaging of FTD
- UK Neurogenetics Predictive Testing Consortium (Birmingham, July 2018): Clinical genetics of FTD
- RCP Teach-In: Dementia (London, May 2018): 9 things to know about FTD
- Neurology 2018: leading edge neurology for the practising clinician (London, April 2018): FTD
- Young Onset Dementia Conference 2017 (London, November 2017): Recent advances in FTD
- Imperial Neurology Grand Round (London, November 2017): An update on FTD
- Wessex Neurology Grand Round (Southampton, September 2017): An update on FTD
- King’s College Neurology Grand Round (London, September 2017): An update on FTD
- EAN 2017 (Amsterdam, June 2017): Secondary prevention trials in dementia
- ADPD 2017 (Vienna, April 2017): Developing biomarkers for FTD
- FTD Alliance (Boston, February 2017): GENFI
- International ALS/MND Symposium 2016 (Dublin, December 2016): Detecting early changes in FTD
- Lancet Neurology Presymptomatic Medicine conference (London, October 2016): Biomarkers and early diagnosis of FTD
- Oxford Neurology Course 2016 (Oxford, June 2016): GENFI
- FTD Treatment Study Group 2016 (Washington, March 2016): GENFI
- LEFFTDS/ARTFL 2016 (Washington, March 2016): GENFI
- ARUK Conference 2016 (Manchester, March 2016): GENFI
- BMJ Masterclass (London, November 2015): Dementia and Delirium
- Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Neurological Society 2015 (Hong Kong, November 2015): An update on FTD
- The Asia Pacific FTD/MND Meeting 2015 (Sydney, October 2015): GENFI
- Royal Free Neurosciences Annual Meeting (London, August 2015): An update on FTD
- Wolfson UCL Biomarkers Symposium (London, June 2015): Serum and CSF biomarkers in FTD
- UCL Tau mini-symposium (London, June 2015): Introduction to Tauopathies
- EAN 2015 (Berlin, June 2015): Management of dementia with parkinsonism
- London Ontario FTD-ALS meeting (London Ontario, June 2015): Clinical phenotypes of C9orf72
- ABN 2015 (Harrogate, May 2015): Presymptomatic biomarkers of neurodegenerative disease
- ABN 2015 (Harrogate, May 2015): What I learned in my PhD and beyond
- Biomarkers teaching course (Stockholm, May 2015): Clinical biomarkers in neurodegenerative disease
- 2nd PreNI meeting (London, April 2015): Controversies in presymptomatic neurodegenerative disease trials
- 13th Annual Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) symposium (Miami, January 2015): Imaging Characteristics of Prodromal Familial FTLD
- Euro PPA Meeting (Paris, December 2014): Genetics of PPA
- Leuven FTD clinic launch (Leuven, December 2014): Imaging in FTD
- 1st PreNI meeting (London, November 2014): Presymptomatic studies of FTD
- NIH ALS/FTD workshop (Washington, November 2014): GENFI
- ICFTD 2014 (Vancouver, October 2014): First results of GENFI
- Prodromal language impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. J Neurol Sci. 2023;451:120711.
- Defining the presymptomatic phase of frontotemporal dementia. Curr Opin Neurol. 2023;36(4):276-282.
- Structural MRI predicts clinical progression in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia: findings from the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative cohort. Brain Commun. 2023;5(2):fcad061.
- Genetic forms of primary progressive aphasia within the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI) cohort: comparison with sporadic primary progressive aphasia. Brain Commun. 2023;5(2):fcad036.
- Uncovering spatiotemporal patterns of atrophy in progressive supranuclear palsy using unsupervised machine learning. Brain Commun. 2023;5(2):fcad048.
- The Benson Complex Figure Test detects deficits in visuoconstruction and visual memory in symptomatic familial frontotemporal dementia: A GENFI study. J Neurol Sci. 2023;446:120590.
- Addition of the FTD Module to the Neuropsychiatric Inventory improves classification of frontotemporal dementia spectrum disorders. J Neurol. 2023;270(5):2674-2687.
- Neuropsychiatric symptoms in genetic frontotemporal dementia: developing a new module for Clinical Rating Scales. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023;94(5):357-368.
- Language impairment in the genetic forms of behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia. J Neurol. 2023;270(4):1976-1988.
- Motor symptoms in genetic frontotemporal dementia: developing a new module for clinical rating scales. J Neurol. 2023;270(3):1466-1477.
- CSF glial markers are elevated in a subset of patients with genetic frontotemporal dementia. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2022;9(11):1764-1777.
- Q351R MAPT mutation is associated with a mixed 3R/4R tauopathy and a slowly progressive cognitive, behavioural and parkinsonian syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023;94(2):169-171.
- Differential impairment of cerebrospinal fluid synaptic biomarkers in the genetic forms of frontotemporal dementia. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2022;14(1):118.
- The CBI-R detects early behavioural impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2022;9(5):644-658.
- A data-driven model of brain volume changes in progressive supranuclear palsy. Brain Commun. 2022;4(3):fcac098.
- Longitudinal Cognitive Changes in Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Within the GENFI Cohort. Neurology. 2022;99(3):e281-e295.
- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2022;93(7):761-771.
- J Neurol. 2022;269(8):4322-4332.
- Examining empathy deficits across familial forms of frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. Cortex. 2022;150:12-28.
- Cognitive composites for genetic frontotemporal dementia: GENFI-Cog. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2022 Jan 19;14(1):10.
- Eye movements in frontotemporal dementia: Abnormalities of fixation, saccades and anti-saccades. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2021 Dec 31;7(1):e12218.
- Conceptual framework for the definition of preclinical and prodromal frontotemporal dementia. Alzheimers Dement. 2022;18(7):1408-1423
- Tackling clinical heterogeneity across the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal dementia spectrum using a transdiagnostic approach.
Brain Commun. 2021;3(4):fcab257.
- A comparison of automated atrophy measures across the frontotemporal dementia spectrum: Implications for trials. Gordon E, Bocchetta M, Nicholas J, Cash DM, Rohrer JD. Neuroimage Clin. 2021;32:102842.
- Differential chemokine alteration in the variants of primary progressive aphasia—a role for neuroinflammation.
- Differential Lipid Mediator Involvement in the Different Forms of Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia: Novel Insights into Neuroinflammation. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021;84(1):283-289.
- Looking beneath the surface: the importance of subcortical structures in frontotemporal dementia. Brain Commun. 2021;3(3):fcab158.
- Comparison of clinical rating scales in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2022;93(2):158-168. With commentary here.
- The Revised Self-Monitoring Scale detects early impairment of social cognition in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2021 Jul 12;13(1):127.
- Characterizing the Clinical Features and Atrophy Patterns of MAPT-Related Frontotemporal Dementia With Disease Progression Modeling. Neurology. 2021 Aug 31;97(9):e941-e952.
- Differential early subcortical involvement in genetic FTD within the GENFI cohort. Bocchetta M, Todd E, Peakman G, Cash D, Convery R, Russell L, Thomas D, Iglesias JE, van Swieten J, Jiskoot L, Seelaar H, Borroni B, Galimberti D, Sanchez-Valle R, Laforce R, Moreno F, Synofzik M, Graff C, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Rowe B, Vandenberghe R, Finger E, Tagliavini F, de Mendonca A, Santana I, Butler C, Ducharme S, Gerhard A, Danek A, Levin J, Otto M, Sorbi S, Le Ber I, Pasquier F, Rohrer JD. Neuroimage Clin. 2021;30:102646.
- Impairment of episodic memory in genetic frontotemporal dementia: A GENFI study. Poos JM, Russell LL, Peakman G et al. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2021 May 13;13(1):e12185.
- Early anterior cingulate involvement is seen in presymptomatic MAPT P301L mutation carriers.
- Social cognition impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. Cortex. 2020;133:384-398.
- Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament light chain are measures of disease severity in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020;91(3):263-270.
- Analysis of brain atrophy and local gene expression in genetic frontotemporal dementia. Brain Commun. 2020;2(2):fcaa122.
- Fluid biomarkers in frontotemporal dementia: past, present and future. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2021;92(2):204-215.
- Variable clinical phenotype in TBK1 mutations: case report of a novel mutation causing primary progressive aphasia and review of the literature. Swift IJ, Bocchetta M, Benotmane H, Woollacott IO, Shafei R, Rohrer JD. Neurobiol Aging. 2020;S0197-4580(20)30270-0.
- Abnormal pain perception is associated with thalamo-cortico-striatal atrophy in C9orf72 expansion carriers in the GENFI cohort. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020;91(12):1325-1328.
- Cerebrospinal Fluid YKL-40 and Chitotriosidase Levels in Frontotemporal Dementia Vary by Clinical, Genetic and Pathological Subtype. Woollacott IOC, Nicholas JM, Heller C, Foiani MS, Moore KM, Russell LL, Paterson RW, Keshavan A, Schott JM, Warren JD, Heslegrave A, Zetterberg H, Rohrer JD. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2020;49(1):56-76.
- In vivo staging of frontotemporal lobar degeneration TDP-43 type C pathology. Bocchetta M, Iglesias Espinosa MDM, Lashley T, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2020;12(1):34.
- A modified Camel and Cactus Test detects presymptomatic semantic impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. Moore KM, Convery R, Bocchetta M, Neason M, Cash DM, Greaves CV, Russell LL, Clarke MTM, Peakman G, van Swieten J, Jiskoot L, Moreno F, Barandiaran M, Sanchez-Valle R, Borroni B, Laforce Jr R, Doré M-C, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Graff C, Galimberti D, Rowe JB, Finger E, Synofzik M, Karnath H-O, Vandenberghe R, de Mendonça A, Maruta C, Tagliavini F, Santana I, Ducharme S, Butler C, Gerhard A, Levin J, Danek A, Otto M, Warren JD, Rohrer JD, GENFI. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 2020:1-8.
- Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein is raised in progranulin-associated frontotemporal dementia. Heller C, Foiani M, Moore KM, Convery R, Bocchetta M, Neason M, Cash DM, Thomas DL, Greaves CV, Woollacott IOC, Shafei R, van Swieten J, Moreno F, Sanchez-Valle R, Borroni B, Laforce Jr R, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Graff C, Galimberti D, Rowe JB, Finger E, Synofzik M, Vandenberghe R, de Mendonça A, Tagliavini F, Santana I, Ducharme S, Butler C, Gerhard A, Levin J, Danek A, Frisoni GB, Sorbi S, Otto M, Heslegrave A, Zetterberg H, Rohrer JD, on behalf of GENFI. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020;91(3):263-270.
- Two pathologically confirmed cases of novel mutations in the MAPT gene causing frontotemporal dementia. Shafei R, Woollacott IOC, Mummery C, Bocchetta M, Guerreiro R, Bras J, Warren JD, Lashley T, Jaunmuktane Z, Rohrer JD. Neurobiol Aging. 2020;87:141.e15-141.e20.
- Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia- an international retrospective cohort study. Moore KM, Nicholas J, Grossman M, McMillan CT, Irwin DJ, Massimo L, Van Deerlin VM, Warren JD, Fox NC, Rossor MN, Mead S, Bocchetta M, Boeve BF, Knopman DS, Graff-Radford NR, Forsberg LK, Rademakers R, Wszolek ZK,van Swieten JC, Jiskoot LC, Meeter LH, Dopper EGP, Papma JM, Snowden JS, Saxon J, Jones M, Pickering Brown S, Le Ber I, Camuzat A, Brice A, Caroppo P, Ghidoni R, Pievani M, Benussi L, Binetti G, Dickerson BC, Lucente D, Krivensky S, Graff C, Öijerstedt L, Fallström M, Thonberg H, Ghoshal N, J Morris JC, Borroni B, Benussi A, Padovani A, Galimberti D, Scarpini E, Fumagalli GG, Mackenzie IR, Hsiung GR, Sengdy P, Boxer AL, Rosen H, Taylor JB, Synofzik M, Wilke C, Sulzer P, Hodges JR, Halliday G, Kwok J, Sanchez-Valle R, Lladó A, Borrego-Ecija S, Santana I, Almeida MR, Tábuas-Pereira M, Moreno F, Barandiaran M, Indakoetxea B, Levin J, Danek A, Rowe JB, Cope TE, Otto M, Anderl-Straub S, de Mendonça A, Maruta C, Masellis M, Black SE, Couratier P, Lautrette G, Huey ED, Sorbi S, Nacmias B, Laforce Jr R, Tremblay ML, Vandenberghe R, Van Damme P, Rogalski EJ, Weintraub S, Gerhard A, Onyike CU, Ducharme S, Papageorgiou SG, Ng ASL, Brodtmann A, Finger E, Guerreiro R, Bras J, FTD Prevention Initiative, Rohrer JD. Lancet Neurol. 2020;19(2):145-156.
- A case of TDP-43 type C pathology presenting as nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia. Adams-Carr KL, Bocchetta M, Neason M, Holton JL, Lashley T, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Neurocase. 2020;26(1):1-6.
- Thalamic nuclei in frontotemporal dementia- Mediodorsal nucleus involvement is universal but pulvinar atrophy is unique to C9orf72. Bocchetta M, Iglesias JE, Neason M, Cash DM, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Hum Brain Mapp. 2020;41(4):1006-1016.
- Automated Brainstem Segmentation Detects Differential Involvement in Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes. Bocchetta M, Iglesias JE, Chelban V, Jabbari E, Lamb R, Russell LL, Greaves CV, Neason M, Cash DM, Thomas DL, Warren JD, Woodside J, Houlden H, Morris HR, Rohrer JD. J Mov Disord. 2020;13(1):39-46.
- Longitudinal (18F)AV-1451 PET imaging in a patient with frontotemporal dementia due to a Q351R MAPT mutation. Convery RS, Jiao J, Clarke MTM, Moore KM, Koriath CAM, Woollacott IOC, Weston PSJ, Gunn R, Rabiner I, Cash DM, Rossor MN, Warren JD, Fox NC, Ourselin S, Bocchetta M, Rohrer JD. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020;91(1):106-108.
- Speech and language therapy approaches to managing primary progressive aphasia. Volkmer A, Rogalski E, Henry M, Taylor-Rubin C, Ruggero L, Khayum R, Kindell J, Gorno-Tempini ML, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Pract Neurol. 2020;20(2):154-161.
- CSF synaptic protein concentrations are raised in those with atypical Alzheimer’s disease but not frontotemporal dementia. Clarke MTM, Brinkmalm A, Foiani M, Woollacott IOC, Heller C, Heslegrave A, Keshavan A, Fox NC, Schott JM, Warren JD, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jonathan Rohrer JD. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2019;11(1):105.
- White Matter Hyperintensities in Progranulin-Associated Frontotemporal Dementia- A Longitudinal GENFI Study. Sudre CH, Bocchetta M, Heller C, Convery R, Neason M, Moore KM, Cash DM, Thomas DL, Woollacott IOC, Foiani M, Heslegrave A, Shafei R, Greaves C, van Swieten J, Moreno F, Sanchez-Valle R, Borroni B, Laforce R Jr, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Graff C, Galimberti D, Rowe JB, Finger E, Synofzik M, Vandenberghe R, de Mendonça A, Tagliavini F, Santana I, Ducharme S, Butler C, Gerhard A, Levin J, Danek A, Frisoni GB, Sorbi S, Otto M, Zetterberg H, Ourselin S, Cardoso MJ, Rohrer JD; GENFI. Neuroimage Clin. 2019;24:102077.
- An update on genetic frontotemporal dementia. Greaves CV, Rohrer JD. J Neurol. 2019;266(8):2075-2086.
- Segmentation of medial temporal subregions reveals early right-sided involvement in semantic variant PPA. Bocchetta M, Iglesias JE, Russell LL, Greaves CV, Marshall CR, Scelsi MA, Cash DM, Ourselin S, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2019;11(1):41.
- Searching for Novel Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Tau Pathology in Frontotemporal Dementia- An Elusive Quest. Foiani MS, Cicognola C, Ermann N, Woollacott IOC, Heller C, Heslegrave AJ, Keshavan A, Paterson RW, Ye K, Kornhuber J, Fox NC, Schott JM, Warren JD, Lewczuk P, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Höglund K, Rohrer JD. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019;90(7):740-746.
- Amygdala Subnuclei Are Differentially Affected in the Different Genetic and Pathological Forms of Frontotemporal Dementia. Bocchetta M, Iglesias JE, Cash DM, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2019;11:136-141.
- Review- Clinical, Genetic and Neuroimaging Features of Frontotemporal Dementia. Convery R, Mead S, Rohrer JD. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2019;45(1):6-18.
- Uncovering the heterogeneity and temporal complexity of neurodegenerative diseases with Subtype and Stage Inference. Young AL, Marinescu RV, Oxtoby NP, Bocchetta M, Yong K, Firth NC, Cash DM, Thomas DL, Dick KM, Cardoso J, van Swieten J, Borroni B, Galimberti D, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Rowe JB, Graff C, Tagliavini F, Frisoni GB, Laforce R Jr, Finger E, de Mendonça A, Sorbi S, Warren JD, Crutch S, Fox NC, Ourselin S, Schott JM*, Rohrer JD*, Alexander DC* (joint senior authors); Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI); Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Nat Commun. 2018;9(1):4273.
- Presymptomatic White Matter Integrity Loss in Familial Frontotemporal Dementia in the GENFI Cohort- A Cross-Sectional Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. Jiskoot LC, Bocchetta M, Nicholas JM, Cash DM, Thomas D, Modat M, Ourselin S, Rombouts SARB, Dopper EGP, Meeter LH, Panman JL, van Minkelen R, van der Ende EL, Donker Kaat L, Pijnenburg YAL, Borroni B, Galimberti D, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Rowe J, Graff C, Tagliavini F, Frisoni GB, Laforce R Jr, Finger E, de Mendonça A, Sorbi S; Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI), Papma JM, van Swieten JC, Rohrer JD. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2018;5(9):1025-1036.
- Pathological Correlates of White Matter Hyperintensities in a Case of Progranulin Mutation Associated Frontotemporal Dementia. Woollacott IOC, Bocchetta M, Sudre CH, Ridha BH, Strand C, Courtney R, Ourselin S, Cardoso MJ, Warren JD, Rossor MN, Revesz T, Fox NC, Holton JL, Lashley T, Rohrer JD. Neurocase. 2018;24(3):166-174.
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Soluble TREM2 Levels in Frontotemporal Dementia Differ by Genetic and Pathological Subgroup. Woollacott IOC, Nicholas JM, Heslegrave A, Heller C, Foiani MS, Dick KM, Russell LL, Paterson RW, Keshavan A, Fox NC, Warren JD, Schott JM, Zetterberg H, Rohrer JD. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2018;10(1):79.
- Hippocampal Subfield Volumetry- Differential Pattern of Atrophy in Different Forms of Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia. Bocchetta M, Iglesias JE, Scelsi MA, Cash DM, Cardoso MJ, Modat M, Altmann A, Ourselin S, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018;64(2):497-504.
- Thalamic Atrophy in Frontotemporal Dementia – Not Just a C9orf72 Problem. Bocchetta M, Gordon E, Cardoso MJ, Modat M, Ourselin S, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Neuroimage Clin. 2018;18:675-681.
- Plasma Tau Is Increased in Frontotemporal Dementia. Foiani MS, Woollacott IO, Heller C, Bocchetta M, Heslegrave A, Dick KM, Russell LL, Marshall CR, Mead S, Schott JM, Fox NC, Warren JD, Zetterberg H, Rohrer JD. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018;89(8):804-807.
- Patterns of Gray Matter Atrophy in Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia- Results From the GENFI Study. Cash DM, Bocchetta M, Thomas DL, Dick KM, van Swieten JC, Borroni B, Galimberti D, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Rowe JB, Graff C, Tagliavini F, Frisoni GB, Laforce R Jr, Finger E, de Mendonça A, Sorbi S, Rossor MN, Ourselin S, Rohrer JD; Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI. Neurobiol Aging. 2018;62:191-196.
- White matter hyperintensities are seen only in GRN mutation carriers in the GENFI cohort. Sudre CH, Bocchetta M, Cash D, Thomas DL, Woollacott I, Dick KM, van Swieten J, Borroni B, Galimberti D, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Rowe JB, Graff C, Tagliavini F, Frisoni G, Laforce R Jr, Finger E, de Mendonça A, Sorbi S, Ourselin S, Cardoso MJ, Rohrer JD; Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI. Neuroimage Clin. 2017;15:171-180.
- The TMEM106B risk allele is associated with lower cortical volumes in a clinically diagnosed frontotemporal dementia cohort. Harding SR, Bocchetta M, Gordon E, Cash DM, Cardoso MJ, Druyeh R, Ourselin S, Warren JD, Mead S, Rohrer JD. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017;88(11):997-998.
- The clinical, neuroanatomical, and neuropathologic phenotype of TBK1-associated frontotemporal dementia: A longitudinal case report. Koriath CA, Bocchetta M, Brotherhood E, Woollacott IO, Norsworthy P, Simón-Sánchez J, Blauwendraat C, Dick KM, Gordon E, Harding SR, Fox NC, Crutch S, Warren JD, Revesz T, Lashley T, Mead S, Rohrer JD. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2016;6:75-81.
- The clinical spectrum of sporadic and familial forms of frontotemporal dementia. Woollacott IO, Rohrer JD. J Neurochem. 2016;138 Suppl 1:6-31.
- Patterns of regional cerebellar atrophy in genetic frontotemporal dementia. Bocchetta M, Cardoso MJ, Cash DM, Ourselin S, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. Neuroimage Clin. 2016;11:287-290.
- The habenula: an under-recognised area of importance in frontotemporal dementia? Bocchetta M, Gordon E, Marshall CR, Slattery CF, Cardoso MJ, Cash DM, Espak M, Modat M, Ourselin S, Frisoni GB, Schott JM, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2016;87(8):910-2.
- Detailed volumetric analysis of the hypothalamus in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. Bocchetta M, Gordon E, Marshall CR, Slattery CF, Cardoso MJ, Cash DM, Espak M, Modat M, Ourselin S, Frisoni GB, Schott JM, Warren JD, Rohrer JD. J Neurol. 2015;262(12):2635-42.
- Temporal Variant Frontotemporal Dementia is Associated with Globular Glial Tauopathy. Clark CN, Lashley T, Mahoney CJ, Warren JD, Revesz T, Rohrer JD. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2015;28(2):92-7.
- Serum neurofilament light chain protein is a measure of disease intensity in frontotemporal dementia. Rohrer JD, Woollacott IO, Dick KM, Brotherhood E, Gordon E, Fellows A, Toombs J, Druyeh R, Cardoso MJ, Ourselin S, Nicholas JM, Norgren N, Mead S, Andreasson U, Blennow K, Schott JM, Fox NC, Warren JD, Zetterberg H. Neurology. 2016;87(13):1329-36.
- Presymptomatic cognitive and neuroanatomical changes in genetic frontotemporal dementia in the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI) study: a cross-sectional analysis. Rohrer JD, Nicholas JM, Cash DM, van Swieten J, Dopper E, Jiskoot L, van Minkelen R, Rombouts SA, Cardoso MJ, Clegg S, Espak M, Mead S, Thomas DL, De Vita E, Masellis M, Black SE, Freedman M, Keren R, MacIntosh BJ, Rogaeva E, Tang-Wai D, Tartaglia MC, Laforce R Jr, Tagliavini F, Tiraboschi P, Redaelli V, Prioni S, Grisoli M, Borroni B, Padovani A, Galimberti D, Scarpini E, Arighi A, Fumagalli G, Rowe JB, Coyle-Gilchrist I, Graff C, Fallström M, Jelic V, Ståhlbom AK, Andersson C, Thonberg H, Lilius L, Frisoni GB, Pievani M, Bocchetta M, Benussi L, Ghidoni R, Finger E, Sorbi S, Nacmias B, Lombardi G, Polito C, Warren JD, Ourselin S, Fox NC, Rossor MN, Binetti G. Lancet Neurol. 2015;14(3):253-62.
- C9orf72 expansions in frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Rohrer JD, Isaacs AM, Mizielinska S, Mead S, Lashley T, Wray S, Sidle K, Fratta P, Orrell RW, Hardy J, Holton J, Revesz T, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Lancet Neurol. 2015;14(3):291-301.
- Biomarkers in frontotemporal dementia. Rohrer JD, Zetterberg H. Biomark Med. 2014;8(4):519-21.
- Presymptomatic studies in genetic frontotemporal dementia. Rohrer JD, Warren JD, Fox NC, Rossor MN. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2013;169(10):820-4.
- Exome sequencing reveals a novel partial deletion in the progranulin gene causing primary progressive aphasia. Rohrer JD, Beck J, Plagnol V, Gordon E, Lashley T, Revesz T, Janssen JC, Fox NC, Warren JD, Rossor MN, Mead S, Schott JM. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013;84(12):1411-2.
- Neuroimaging in frontotemporal dementia. Rohrer JD, Rosen HJ. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2013;25(2):221-9.
- Patterns of longitudinal brain atrophy in the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia. Rohrer JD, Caso F, Mahoney C, Henry M, Rosen HJ, Rabinovici G, Rossor MN, Miller B, Warren JD, Fox NC, Ridgway GR, Gorno-Tempini ML. Brain Lang. 2013;127(2):121-6.
- Rates of Hemispheric and Lobar Atrophy in the Language Variants of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Rohrer JD, Clarkson MJ, Kittus R, Rossor MN, Ourselin S, Warren JD, Fox NC. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;30(2):407-11.
- Structural brain imaging in frontotemporal dementia. Rohrer JD. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012;1822(3):325-32.
- Receptive prosody in nonfluent primary progressive aphasias. Rohrer JD, Sauter D, Scott S, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Cortex. 2012;48(3):308-16.
- Alzheimer’s pathology in primary progressive aphasia. Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Neurobiol Aging. 2012;33(4):744-52.
- Phenotypic signatures of genetic frontotemporal dementia. Rohrer JD, Warren JD. Curr Opin Neurol. 2011;24(6):542-9.
- Clinical and neuroanatomical signatures of tissue pathology in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Rohrer JD, Lashley T, Schott JM, Warren JE, Mead S, Isaacs AM, Beck J, Hardy J, de Silva R, Warrington E, Troakes C, Al-Sarraj S, King A, Borroni B, Clarkson MJ, Ourselin S, Holton JL, Fox NC, Revesz T, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Brain. 2011;134(Pt 9):2565-81.
- Behavioural Variant Frontotemporal Dementia—Defining Genetic and Pathological Subtypes. Rohrer JD. J Mol Neurosci. 2011;45(3):583-8.
- A novel exon 2 I27V VCP variant is associated with dissimilar clinical syndromes. Rohrer JD, Warren JD, Reiman D, Uphill J, Beck J, Collinge J, Rossor MN, Isaacs AM, Mead S. J Neurol. 2011;258(8):1494-6.
- Primary Progressive Aphasia-Defining Genetic and Pathological Subtypes. Rohrer JD, Schott JM. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2011;8(3):266-72.
- Novel L284R MAPT mutation in a family with an autosomal dominant progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome. Rohrer JD, Paviour D, Vandrovcova J, Hodges J, de Silva R, Rossor MN. Neurodegener Dis. 2011;8(3):149-52.
- TDP-43 subtypes are associated with distinct atrophy patterns in frontotemporal dementia. Rohrer JD, Geser F, Zhou J, Gennatas ED, Sidhu M, Trojanowski JQ, Dearmond SJ, Miller BL, Seeley WW. Neurology. 2010;75(24):2204-11.
- The clinical and neuroanatomical phenotype of FUS associated frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Rohrer JD, Lashley T, Holton J, Revesz T, Urwin H, Isaacs AM, Fox NC, Rossor MN, Warren J. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2011;82(12):1405-7.
- Syndromes of nonfluent primary progressive aphasia: a clinical and neurolinguistic analysis. Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Neurology. 2010;75(7):603-10.
- Phenomenology and anatomy of abnormal behaviours in primary progressive aphasia. Rohrer JD, Warren JD. J Neurol Sci. 2010;293(1-2):35-8.
- Progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome presenting as progressive nonfluent aphasia: a neuropsychological and neuroimaging analysis. Rohrer JD, Paviour D, Bronstein AM, O’Sullivan SS, Lees A, Warren JD. Mov Disord. 2010;25(2):179-188.
- Distinct profiles of brain atrophy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration caused by progranulin and tau mutations. Rohrer JD, Ridgway GR, Modat M, Ourselin S, Mead S, Fox NC, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Neuroimage. 2010;53(3):1070-6.
- Apraxia in progressive nonfluent aphasia. Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD. J Neurol. 2010;257(4):569-74.
- Progranulin-associated primary progressive aphasia: a distinct phenotype? Rohrer JD, Crutch SJ, Warrington EK, Warren JD. Neuropsychologia. 2010;48(1):288-97.
- Progressive logopenic/phonological aphasia: erosion of the language network. Rohrer JD, Ridgway GR, Crutch SJ, Hailstone J, Goll JC, Clarkson MJ, Mead S, Beck J, Mummery C, Ourselin S, Warrington EK, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Neuroimage. 2010;49(1):984-93.
- The heritability and genetics of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Rohrer JD, Guerreiro R, Vandrovcova J, Uphill J, Reiman D, Beck J, Isaacs AM, Authier A, Ferrari R, Fox NC, Mackenzie IR, Warren JD, de Silva R, Holton J, Revesz T, Hardy J, Mead S, Rossor MN. Neurology. 2009;73(18):1451-6.
- Corticobasal syndrome associated with a novel 1048_1049insG progranulin mutation. Rohrer JD, Beck J, Warren JD, King A, Al Sarraj S, Holton J, Revesz T, Collinge J, Mead S. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009;80(11):1297-8.
- Abnormal laughter-like vocalisations replacing speech in primary progressive aphasia. Rohrer JD, Warren JD, Rossor MN. J Neurol Sci. 2009;284(1-2):120-3.
- Patterns of cortical thinning in the language variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Rohrer JD, Warren JD, Modat M, Ridgway GR, Douiri A, Rossor MN, Ourselin S, Fox NC. Neurology. 2009;72(18):1562-9.
- Presymptomatic generalized brain atrophy in frontotemporal dementia caused by CHMP2B mutation. Rohrer JD, Ahsan RL, Isaacs AM, Nielsen JE, Ostergaard L, Scahill R, Warren JD, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Johannsen P; FReJA consortium. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2009;27(2):182-6.
- Neologistic jargon aphasia and agraphia in primary progressive aphasia. Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD. J Neurol Sci. 2009;277(1-2):155-9.
- Tracking progression in frontotemporal lobar degeneration: serial MRI in semantic dementia. Rohrer JD, McNaught E, Foster J, Clegg SL, Barnes J, Omar R, Warrington EK, Rossor MN, Warren JD, Fox NC. Neurology. 2008;71(18):1445-51.
- Mapping the progression of progranulin-associated frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Rohrer JD, Warren JD, Barnes J, Mead S, Beck J, Pepple T, Boyes R, Omar R, Collinge J, Stevens JM, Warrington EK, Rossor MN, Fox NC. Nat Clin Pract Neurol. 2008;4(8):455-60.
- Parietal lobe deficits in frontotemporal lobar degeneration caused by a mutation in the progranulin gene. Rohrer JD, Warren JD, Omar R, Mead S, Beck J, Revesz T, Holton J, Stevens JM, Al-Sarraj S, Pickering-Brown SM, Hardy J, Fox NC, Collinge J, Warrington EK, Rossor MN. Arch Neurol. 2008;65(4):506-13.
- A distinct clinical, neuropsychological and radiological phenotype is associated with progranulin gene mutations in a large UK series. Beck J*, Rohrer JD* (*joint first authors), Campbell T, Isaacs A, Morrison KE, Goodall EF, Warrington EK, Stevens J, Revesz T, Holton J, Al-Sarraj S, King A, Scahill R, Warren JD, Fox NC, Rossor MN, Collinge J, Mead S. Brain. 2008;131(Pt 3):706-20.
- Word-finding difficulty: a clinical analysis of the progressive aphasias. Rohrer JD, Knight WD, Warren JE, Fox NC, Rossor MN, Warren JD. Brain. 2008;131(Pt 1):8-38.
- Prion protein (PRNP) genotypes in frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes. Rohrer JD, Mead S, Omar R, Poulter M, Warren JD, Collinge J, Rossor MN. Ann Neurol. 2006;60(5):616.